

  • Participate in quarterly, regional or neighborhood events and tours to economic centers

  • Connect with fellow business leaders with a focus on regional or neighborhood-based businesses



区域 & 社区项目 aims to bring the Partnership directly to our members and the business community throughout Greater Houston. 该项目将于2019年启动. 
2019年夏天, the 地区 and 社区项目 visited the Clear Lake area and NASA Johnson Space Center to gain an understanding of the economy in that part of the region.




A $90 million retail center is underway in Tomball at the intersection of 状态 Highway 249 and the Grand Parkway.  预计将于2025年完工, 249的Grand将跨越404,256平方英尺, making it the largest retail concentration within Houston's northwest submarket, 总部位于休斯顿的开发和经纪公司NewQuest properties称.   Situated at the southwestern corner of the Grand Parkway-Highway 249 intersection, 这个占地65英亩的开创性开发项目拥有12个地块, 其中10个网站已经承诺. Notably, 96% of the space is leased or under negotiation, securing tenants like AT&T, Boomer Jack's, Gringo's, Jersey Mike's, Milano Nails, and Two Pho Nine Asian Fusion.   The development will be surrounded by master-planned communities and mixed-use 项目s, 包括洛维特工业240英亩的交汇处249, 提供3.1 million square feet of industrial and warehouse space, which will house Macy’s distribution center.  With large-scale developments like The Grand at 249 and advanced infrastructure thanks to the Grand Parkway driving people and businesses to the city, 汤博尔的住宅继续快速增长. 目前, 有近27个,平均家庭收入为141美元的单户住宅,在格兰德酒店方圆三英里的范围内,每年有一万美元, 据NewQuest报道. 汤博经济发展公司. 预计到2030年,该市人口将从1.2万人猛增至2万人.   “249走廊的住房增长迅速,安德鲁·阿尔维斯说, NewQuest的高级副总裁和开发合作伙伴. "The Grand at 249 will play a significant role in creating the next super-regional intersection in the Grand Parkway's path."  Tomball’s growth and the rise of new developments is sparking commercial development in the area, including White Unicorn Investments’ 77-acre mixed-use center along the Grand Parkway in northwestern Harris County set to include retail, 餐厅, 多家庭和工业空间.  “We recognize the immense potential of this location and are committed to developing a 项目 that will be a testament community enhancement,白独角兽投资公司的理查德·巴克斯鲍姆在一份声明中说.   了解更多关于Tomball的上升项目和增长. 


The Greater Houston Partnership welcomed 6 new member companies in the month of August. 该伙伴关系致力于将公司与资源联系起来, information and networking opportunities to help increase business while also providing a platform to influence the direction of the region. 8月份加入的新成员包括: Arete Public Affairs: Arete Public Affairs is a full-service public and government affairs firm that excels in authentic relationship development with the Texas 教育 Agency, 以及学区的高层领导, 以及联邦政府, 状态, 以及地方政府实体. 网站. 班科:20多年了, BAMKO has been partnering with world-renowned companies to increase ROI on every product, 项目, 项目和活动. 网站. Endeavor Management: Endeavor Management’s team of experienced management consultants work collaboratively with you to merge market insights and industry expertise to design and implement practical strategies. 网站.  Entera: The Most Advanced Residential 房地产 Investing Platform enabling investors to find, 买, 并大规模经营单户住宅. 网站.  Tecnicas Reunidas:国际总承包商, 从事工程, design and construction of various types of industrial facilities for a broad spectrum of customers throughout the world. 网站.  黄志伟工程有限公司.: A full service geosciences consulting firm offering a complete range of services for geotechnical engineering, 环境服务, 建筑材料测试, 以及深地基测试. 网站.  点击这里查看合作伙伴的会员名录. 要了解更多关于大休斯顿伙伴关系会员资格的信息,请点击这里, 或联系membership@swordsandweapons.net.



Upskill Houston: Best Practices in Employer Partnerships with 教育 and Community Partners

Building off of the workshop - Developing 教育 and Employer Partnerships - on September 14, this event will highlight employers that have developed strong partnerships with education and community partners.…


“作为一个终生的休斯敦人, I am particularly pleased to be a part of the Partnership and the great work they do for economic growth and development in the City of Houston and surrounding communities.”


"Becoming a member of the Partnership was one of the best professional decisions I’ve made as a CEO. 尽管我在领导一个非营利组织, the ability to cross-pollinate with organizations in various industries is extremely helpful. Interacting and benefiting from the thought leadership in the business community has shown me that they are really tackling the same issues we are facing."

总统 & 纽豪斯教育中心首席执行官

“Greater Houston Partnership, thank you for continuing to be a great resource for information. 我很自豪能成为这个代表休斯顿的组织的一员, 这是企业和人的关系.”


“拥有最大的会员数据库之一, (合作伙伴关系)对我来说是一个很好的人脉资源."

Neal Talmadge

“课程的质量是一流的, 正因为如此, 与会者也是一流的. 高质量的人际关系很好!"


"Businesses who want to get their name out and sales professionals who want to increase their sphere of influence won't find a better organization to connect than GHP."


"Houston has a huge amount of raw ingredients needed to launch a startup -- top tier universities, 可承受的生活成本, 巨大的财富, large corporations -- so the creation of a startup hub in Houston has just been about aligning all these elements under one roof that provides entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed."

创始人 & The Cannon首席执行官
本计划及其福利仅对合作伙伴成员开放. 今天了解更多关于成为公司会员的信息.

准备好成为区域的一部分 & 社区项目?

  • Participate in quarterly, regional or neighborhood events and tours to economic centers
  • Connect with fellow business leaders with a focus on regional or neighborhood-based businesses
  • 资源, knowledge, and contacts to develop your regional or neighborhood business 